Conferences are evolving – are you up to date with these conference trends?


When running a conference, the most important thing to nail is keeping your audience engaged. A dull and slow-moving event can leave your guests bored and frustrated, while a lively and captivating atmosphere can boost awareness for your brand and create a more memorable experience for your event guests.

Successful audience engagement comes down to how well you can keep your guests not just interested, but delighted throughout the entirety of your event.

These new conference trends are helping event planners do just that.

Multisensory events

In the past, conference planners haven’t gone out of their way to energise the senses in their event design and agenda. While most events do provide stimulus for most of the senses – for example through food, entertainment, speeches and decorations – event planners are only recently paying close attention to how they can use the senses strategically.  More and more events are using knowledge on the five senses to engage their audiences and drive their event goals home. We’re seeing more immersive lighting shows, life-size games and visually unique food offerings, all of which are used to enhance event messaging.

Daytime into night

While this type of binary event isn’t completely new, the way it is being executed is starting to change. For a while now, we’ve seen events transition from one venue to the next, with the first event concentrating on the icebreakers, presentations and activities and the last on networking, dinner and entertainment.

Now we’re seeing more event planners execute both daytime and nighttime events in the one place. Many are transforming daytime conferences into a gala dinners within the same event space. This is a perfect way to reignite energy into your room and keep your guests engaged from daytime to night. Running a binary event in the one venue has proven to create a memorable experience for guests, while keeping costs down.

Hybrid events

A hybrid event is an event which has a virtual component to it. As technology continues to advance, we’re seeing this trend more and more. Event planners create their in-person event as well as engage an online audience through live streams and digital seminars. Providing an online experience to accompany your event is the perfect way to grab the attention of a wider audience of people who might be unable to attend in person on the day. It can present your brand to people who would have missed out otherwise.

Digital immersion

Event technology is evolving at a rapid speed. We’re now seeing technology used to entertain, captivate and shock. Virtual and augmented reality, digital holograms and drone technology are changing the way people experience events. Virtual and augmented reality are being used to create an immersive experience for guests and to heighten event branding. Digital holograms are being used for entertainment and to provide the wow-factor, and drones are being used to film highly immersive event videos.

If you would like to boost audience engagement through AV technology at your next event, contact AVPartners today.